Galleri úthverfa: sumri hallar -art project

Föstudaginn 11. ágúst kl. 17 – 20 ætla Laura Franco og Violeta Lucena, sem dvalið hafa í gestavinnustofum
ArtsIceland á Ísafirði að taka á móti gestum í vinnustofu sinni Aðalstræti 22 á 2. hæð.

Léttar veitingar í boði og allir velkomnir.

Laura Franco and Violeta Lucena invite guests to their studio on second floor Aðalstræti 22 in Ísafjörður on Friday August 11 from 5 – 8 pm. Light refreshments will be served and all are welcome.

We have always talked about the desire to one day travel to Iceland and fortunately here we are now. We are interested in everything about Iceland, its music, its art, its overwhelming and enigmatic landscapes, its gastronomy and iconography, its history and its secrets.
When we applied for this residency, we set out to investigate through jewellery and poetry the contrast that apparently can occur between Icelandic culture and the Andalusian culture in which we have grown up.
Arriving here we discovered another kind of nature, another concept of the sea, the icy water, the boldness of rhubarb, the value of crowns. Being here we realised that summer passes quickly like the blink of an eye, we understood the meaning of the Icelandic song Sumri Hallar. Iceland has beautiful places, majestic places. It is absolutely true.
Here, during the course of the days, we also collected jewellery and poems to try to explain all these things.

VIOLETA LUCENA er fædd í Jaén á Spáni 1991 og lauk prófi frá háskólanum í Granada í listum og hefur einnig menntun í listrænni skartgripagerð.

LAURA FRANCO CARRIÓN er frá Málaga á Spáni og fæddist árið 1985. Hún hefur lokið prófi frá háskólanum í Malaga í listum auk þess að hafa menntun í listrænni ljósmyndagerð.